Bell Peppers are in Season!
There's so much to say about bell peppers! I feel that they're underrated. and not used as much as we all should. Once you learn more about them, I know you'll start integrating them more and more into your diet.
Here's some ideas on how to use them:
1. Stuffed Bell Peppers with brown rice, mushrooms, celery, zucchini
2. Julienned in Salads (use all three colors)
3. Roasted Red Bell Pepper soup
4. Juicing remedies of course!
Red, Orange and Yellow Bell Peppers are about three times more powerful in Vitamin C than Oranges. They're also delicious eaten uncooked in salads, roasted or even steamed. I love juicing with them, because they deliver great juice volume as well as a nice kind of spicy taste. Prepared this way they're full of the life-force. Their colors are fantastic. Red, yellow and Orange. There's information I also want to share with you about the Green Bell Peppers.
Maybe you already know that Yellow and Red Bell Peppers are actually ripened Green Bell Peppers? Orange Bell Peppers are a hybrid from green. When ripened like this, their colors are wonderful, and they're more nutrient dense as well as having more vitamin C content in them. These green bell peppers also can give us indigestion or heartburn when eaten. When juiced, they may not affect us as much, but I've been told they, too, create the same experiences such as burping and heartburn. Why eat them then? Farmers love to sell them because they don't take as long to grow for harvesting.
I love the colored peppers AND they're sweeter too, in our juices, and even when they're steamed
Just remember that when we cook any vegetable (over 118 degrees) we are losing 100% of the enzymes, which are powerful catalysts that aid in superior digestion. Most all volatile vitamins and some minerals suffer as well. Vitamin C, for example, is altered, losing as much as 50% of their content when cooked. If you steam them lightly you may lose around 25%. Each vegetable is different as far as losing specific vitamins, because most of them are water soluble. For example, potassium and the vitamin B's are lost as well because they are water soluble. The B complex vitamins are incredibly valuable to us, as stress seems to creep up on almost all of us and the B's can help reduce the stress as well as help good brain and heart function. Important minerals are also lost when boiling or frying vegetables, and yes even when steaming them.
I'll be sharing a kitchen video for you this week
(see the top of this newsletter)

Yes, I'll be sharing this fantastic veggie juice therapy remedy: (specifically designed for a high vitamin C B and A tonic.) This will help stave off the flu during this up and coming winter season and the Vitamin A for good eyesight! Let's remember these veggies are all sunbaked and full and complete with all the enzymes in tact, vitamins and minerals. I like to think of it this way:
Like a perfect wheel of a bicycle...all of the spokes are in tact. :)
Now that you'll be able to see the video with one of our favorite juice therapy remedies for the Fall, I'd like to discuss a slightly different subject.
Part 2 - Whole Wellness
This week I am going to share something unique and could be construed as controversial...

Back in the early 1990s, Most of the medical profession was adamant that smoking and diet had nothing to do with cancers and degenerative diseases. Their claim is that you had a genetic weakness that stems from family members. Luckily, by the mid 1990s, a plethora with years of research were released, revealing just the opposite. I'm not one that likes to lay blame, because I understand the reluctance, due to how doctors have been trained, but it's tragic to have witnessed so many people suffer without the knowledge that they could have become well. I can honestly say that yes, diet makes a huge difference, but more than changing our diets, detoxing from the toxic thoughts and behaviors that we become burdened with... can transform our entire bodies. Mind, Body and Soul. When successful, the body transforms as well. Interestingly, if we are juicing and eating a clean diet, we can accelerate these healings much more effective and rapidly.
Recommended books: I personally have read these books that have helped me including the one above book, Detoxify Your Kind by Rajinder Singh: Master Your Mind and Energy by Brandy Gillmore, Becoming Super Natural, & Evolve your Brain (both) by Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton; The Wisdom of Your Cells.
New research that has a lot of promise is yet to be accepted in the medical world. However, I have and many other therapists have been witnessing beautiful recoveries from people's transformation in their health and their well being... many times over, including myself.
The Chicken or the Egg? Hmmmm... This old expression begs an answer. I'll share something personal with you. Jay and I couldn't fully agree on this subject as to what comes first - as it relates to healing from disease. I believe it was because he didn't realize just how beautiful his mind was. We came from different circumstances in life. He used his 10 year football career that built high discipline, focus and fortitude and by believing juicing and the vegan/vegetarian diet was the only answer to getting well. He came from a very loving immigrant family. His life was full of LOVE kindness, contribution to others, as well as his love for 'life' itself which was profoundly evident fo anyone who knew him, especially myself and our two boys.
He had an enlightened mind. I suppose it was from all the years he spent (more than 40) living in and out of his vw van, yet totally dedicated towards helping others. I can remember he would give juicers away to families or others who were physically and financially suffering. As a result we would sleep in the back of our camper van that night as a result of not having enough money to pay for a hotel. I lived it and I know it to be true. Jay's famous slogan, Isn't Life Beautiful is no joke. I wrote an autobiography about our lives together and how we overcame unbelievable obstacles. Entitled: Isn't Life Beautiful? The Jay Kordich Story.
(If you want to read it, it's on our website and you can have it as a digital gift from me to you.) Just write to me (below). Jay would have wanted it this way. What a fascinating life!
I came from a broken childhood, riddled with years of traumas and abuse. As an adult, I became well physically, due to dedicating myself to juice therapy along with purified foods which healed me from the 9 teenage years of being anorexic/bulimic.
This disease was a result of me trying to somehow bury the traumas. I felt powerless, victimized, and broken. I eventually became balanced, joyful and present in life when I focused and faced healing these traumas. It took a lot of courage along with learning how to forgive the unforgivable. Within time, I felt I could get through a week without feeling broken, then two, then three, then year after year I became stronger until I realized that my down days were so few, that I couldn't even remember my last dark day. And when I did have one, I had the tools to recover. What really helped me, interestingly was helping others. It accelerated my healing and took me away from my own pain. Amazing how that was such a healing experience for me and continues to do so which is the main reason why I am sharing this knowledge and wisdom I've accrued over the last 50 years I've been teaching, in order to help anyone who is in need of direction to be well, physically, mentally and spiritually.
Every single one of us deserves to live a life that is full of joy, wonder, selfless service, dedication to what we feel God brought us to Earth to do, and especially love. Loving is healing. Love is expansive and Love is who we truly are, deep deep within us. The key to getting well is to find a way to let the love surface from the darkness, (acknowledging the deep traumas) and that takes dedication and faith in knowing that we have the tools; juicing, eating a purified diet, helping others without renumeration, getting well through therapy and most of all, trusting in the fact that we deserve to become fully well!
Even if you do not adopt these recommendations, it may plant a seed in your mind so that we can learn to integrate these principles through time. For some of us, we may want to adopt straight them away and for some of us, it may take time and that's perfectly fine. It took me some time to fully feel complete on all levels. Even then, I deal with issues that come up, but now don't just have the tools, I recognize the symptoms that surface immediately.
Most experts in the field of healing are now 'just' starting to see, that how we live our life can directly affect our health. For this I am thankful. For me, I have been carefully observing my clients and of course watching and observing my own behavior and thoughts to see if what we think about can actually transcend our physical, mental and/or emotional ailments.
Treatments: Mind/Body: Feldenkrais method, Rolfing, Alexander Technique, Somatic Experiencing, and other forms of somatic therapy. Guided meditation (in cd format) Rolfing, Psychotherapy, Couples therapy, Support groups, EMDR, Selfless Service, Cognitive Therapy, Psychodynamic therapy (in bold, these therapies are what I used)
What I have learned is that if we do not give precedence to our mind's thoughts and behaviors, our physical wellness cannot be fully achieved, long term. I've seen many people change their diets, but still keep their toxic ways of living, and sure enough they call me back a few months later saying they have fallen off the wagon and need more support. This is precisely because their mind's wellness has not been taken into consideration. Clearing traumas clears the cachet of the mind! When we have cleared it out, it gives us tremendous energy, vitality, and yes even a deep inner feeling of joy. Not excitement, but a beautiful, relaxed feeling that "life is beautiful" and we are in it, fully functioning, fully present.
For example, I've taught, for years that juicing is a bridge to becoming well. Yes, it's true. It's the only way I know that can radically transform our physical health within just a few weeks. I mean radically. That's because our taste buds (our palate) drastically changes as well start juicing varieties of vegetables, greens, fruits and fresh herbs. And it also 'naturally' opens the door to the possibility that we can start to let go of depression, betrayals, abandonments, resentments, of anger, rage, broken hearts, seemingly unimaginable losses, traumas and grieving the loss of loved ones.
We begin to feel so much better. Our mind starts to think clearly, we start to forget the past. It's almost as if we can feel the sun inside of us, shining for the first time in a very long time. We begin to lose weight or gain weight if need be; we are magnetized to a vibrant diet, our skin and eyes clear up and the opportunity to begin to release some of these blocked emotions can begin to bring light upon these dark doors that have been holding us hostage. Yet most of us don't realize that once that door begins to open, we need to keep it open by coming to the realization our entire body, mind and soul must be in harmony. Having a healthy body is just the beginning to true wellness. Juicing, as I said above, is a wonderful way to open that door.
What 'is' true wellness? It can be described as being present, clear and feeling joyful. It means we have healed our emotional wounds, albeit, slowly but surely. There are many layers to the dysfunction in our lives, but I have discovered releasing one by one can be done, and sometimes an entire slew of emotions can come crumbling down just by freeing these traumas that 'bind' our hearts. Without these awarenesses , we are our own worst enemies, imprisoned, and captive within our own minds. Living this way makes our inner and outer world quite dark, lonely and small.
Whether we decide to get therapy or to find methods that help us become clear, it's vital we begin to seriously take into consideration that our long lasting, vital health depends on it!
I cannot emphasize, strongly enough, how important this is. A huge part to getting well is discovering the freedom of Forgiveness. Forgiving is not for others, it's for ourselves. It frees us from the binding captivity we unconsciously put ourselves into.
Deeper than forgiveness, and within time, we begin to forget. This is when we are free from memories of trauma, depression, divorces, losses in business, as well as suffering from abandonment and betrayal. When it comes to grieving the loss of loved ones, each of us grieves differently, and this takes time. Keeping our diets clean is vital during these grieving times. Feeling sorry for ourselves, tearing up over the love that's been lost as well as grieving over the trauma of enduring life after they're gone.
I don't claim to have all the answers, for sure... however, I have lost the deepest love of my life; my husband of 36 years. He was my entire life. The grieving lifted a little easier for me when I continued to work, doing what I love to do; teach and inspire others to be well. Secondly, I continued to keep my diet clean as well as exercised outdoors, despite the weather conditions. Yet there were times I felt paralyzed. I stayed in bed but wouldn't allow myself to do this more than a day. And during those times I stayed in bed, I allowed myself to cry and feel broken. Without a regimen of juicing and eating a clean diet, including exercising outdoors and working, I would have felt invisible and useless, drowning in a sea of tears. Of course I was in different kinds of therapies during these times as well as juicing daily, of course! When you're married to the Juiceman, there wasn't a day we didn't have fresh juice made. :)
The most successful way to overcome any kind of illness, whether it be emotional, physical or mental, is to deeply remember that we are part and parcel to something divine. Depending on your own personal viewpoint, we could also say we are intimately connected to something greater than ourselves, or that we are children of God, we must do our best to be well, live well and love fiercely.
Here's what I have done to keep my vitality, my wellness emotionally, physically and mentally for the past 50 years, that I am hoping will help you too:
1. Detoxify our Mind (recommendations: Dr. Joe Dispenza) (therapists that use emotional release response are quite helpful), guided meditations, deep prayer, selfless service, practicing forgiveness, and keeping busy by help others while recovering from grieving. (see book recommendations above.)
2. Clear Wastes from the (organs of our body, tissues, glands): As we work on #1, we must begin to learn and integrate the healing power of juicing ***
3.Eating purified foods such as fruits, living foods, water rich foods as well as vegan based proteins/complex carbohydrates.
4. Using water rich foods to keep the body flushed from wastes in the body.
5. Being outdoors; exercising in the sunshine, walking, biking pilates, yoga, letting the light from sunrises and sunsets bathe our entire body.
6. Finding supportive care from Clergy, Therapists, Body workers or the like.
7. At night, prayers for a healed body; mind budy soul. Visualizing a beautiful life, inside and out. Gratitude to our Creator for this life we have! Gratitude is a huge healer when we discover just how much we are grateful to have the opportunity to love, to forgive, to share and to give.
***Juices such as: Carrot/Red Bell Pepper/Beet/Parsley/ (50% carrot and 50% shared equally with the beet, parsley and celery. 32 ounces.
You see, our Mind is in control of everything. Our body takes direction from our Mind. Our cells of our bodies react to our Mind's direction. This is profoundly true and may take time to truly understand. I welcome you to learn more on this subject. There are great teachers with whom you could learn more from. I personally have read these books that have helped me: Master Your Mind and Energy by Brandy Gillmore, Becoming Super Natural, Evolve your Brain (both) by Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton; The Wisdom of Your Cells.
Part 3
Let's Get Well Physically!
The weather is getting cooler and by October's end we will be facing the onslaught of the flu hitting the nation.
Anytime we hear about the Flu season coming up, we all know the onset of Covid brings up fears. To imagine 1.2 million Americans lost their lives during those 2.5 years we all felt so vulnerable to endure. As late fall and winter approaches, I don't want to imagine there's not much we can do. Certainly, yes we can do a lot to mitigate getting the flu.
That's what this newsletter/podcast and video is going to be about this week!

First and foremost, Make sure to juice every single day for 30 days. 32 ounces. This is the key amount that triggers great change. I'd like you to try to eliminate as much white sugar, wheat and alcohol from your diet, if possible. This will help you build a stronger immune system. And please do not worry if you cannot eliminate all of it from your diet. Even if you eliminate 50%, this will make a great difference.
Secondly, I'd like you to look at your lifestyle. Are you under any undue stress? For so many decades, I personally lived under a tremendous amount of stress due to litigative challenges we faced for many years. Anytime someone becomes well known, where lots of money and power comes into their hands, strange people, lawsuits arise as well as agents, managers and strange business people seem to surface. Since Jay was so much older than I was, the burden of responsibility laid upon me, even though i had zero experience in handling these matters. Jay was a kind and gentle man, so I felt I had to protect he and our two young boys.
I share these personal experiences with you, so that you may be able to see what I have done in order to eliminate the stress, which by the way IS a killer. Stress kills, even if it does not kill us straight away. the longer we endure and suffer under the dark blanket of stress, the harder it is to overcome. Yet, thankfully I did find a way, albeit a difficult journey. Yet it is definitely worthy to share. You may know someone in your family, it may be yourself, or your parents, siblings or partner in life.
Sometimes we focus so much on our diet, and not enough on our emotional, mental or physical challenges we face. They play a huge role in our ability to live a long, disease free life. Which reminds me to share a phrase I like to repeat: Detoxing the mind will instruct the Body to eliminate Wastes. Our bodies will take heed when the mind is strong by detoxing negative thoughts, negative behaviors and memories. Wastes that are removed from the body is similar to detoxification, but truthfully when our mind starts to detox these thoughts, behaviors and memories, now the body can release the wastes that accumulate inside of every cell of our bodies, tissues, glands and organs, bringing an almost new life to our entire body, and yes, even our brain.
Detoxing our mind is greatly benefited by keeping our bodies saturated by consuming water rich foods/juices. As I have spoken so much about in other programs, water rich foods bathe the cells of our bodies and keep us active, limber, hydrated and superiorly healthy. Proper sleep, relaxation such as meditation, prayer, long walks and exercise also helps our minds detoxify as well.
From my experience, we get great benefit from incorporating these water rich foods, including fresh vegetable and fruit juices that will enhance and give a great boon to begin to sleep properly, relax or meditate until we begin to awaken from the deep traumas, negative behaviors and thoughts that seriously prevent us from beginning a new, life-enhanced, joyful, healthy lifestyle.
Once we begin this journey, to release wastes from our bodies by detoxing the mind first, the body WILL respond in kind. As a result, it becomes easier and easier to stabilize ourselves into a new regimen. By taking direction from a clear mind, we take the best of care of ourselves and most of all, we begin to feel free for the first time in decades!
Sending lots of healing support to you

Linda Kordich
PS. Questions? you're welcome to write to me: