Wellness Newsletter #9 Podcast and Video. Healing Power of Quantum Light in Juice Form
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The Power of the Great Pumpkin!
Hello my dear friends. This week I'll be discussing the Power of that Great Pumpkin that's worth not just carving up during Halloween night, but is definitely worth consuming. Also I am sharing some personal information about the healing power of the sun and the value of the Life-Force that is within sunshine and those beautiful foods know as fruits, seeds, greens, herbs as well as vegetables. (yes even the root vegetables receive sunshine).
The Inimitable "Jay Kordich"
My beautiful, late husband always used to say: "If there was no sun on our planet, all life would shrivel up and die, including ourselves." This is precisely why he was intensely devoted to eating ripe organic fruits as well as eating 75% of his foods, always sunbaked; uncooked foods to be precise. He lived a very long life, but more important, and in fact MUCH more important is that he lived a beautiful life full of vitality, energy, love towards all, joy and service to others.
Something Valuable & Beautiful About Sunshine...
Have you ever noticed that flowers follow the sun throughout the day? So do plants, trees, animals... and, yes have you ever noticed birds sit still during sunset time? I have always found that fascinating. It's the little things in life that count so much.
We don't have to be rich, or own a home or even a car. The richest experiences we can have in life don't need money. Jay used to say, "Life is Beautiful" and in fact those were his last words to me moments before he died. He knew the most valuable experiences in our lives were love, superior health and beauty. Even in the worst of times, Jay would always remind me, as I was crying or couldn't be consoled -that life was beautiful. I wrote an autobiography of our lives called: The Jay Kordich Story: Life is Beautiful. It's yours if you'd like it. It follows our 36 years of marriage together during some of the darkest times and the most fulfilling. Living in our van for close to ten years to becoming multi-millionaires taught me, especially, that life was beautiful with or 'without' money. (just ask and I'll send it to you no cost).
Even though, Jay is gone.... he will inspire you!
You can find Jay's youtube channel: www.youtube.com/lifevoodslivebodies
Today's Newsletter: Fall is Here!
Here in Illinois, my goodness, Fall is here and the leaves are turning red orange and yellow. And here in the small town, in the outskirts of Chicago, our little community just loves to celebrate Fall and halloween.
What's so Great About Pumpkins?
Oh let me count the ways...
Fresh Pumpkin Juice
Today I will show you how to juice sunbaked pumpkins. No need to cook them. Yes we can make great soups from Pumpkins and done properly, we can cook them during cold weather by eating them with a preponderance of sunbaked (living) foods to go along with them.
I'll be cutting open (in my video, see the link above) a few smaller pumpkins known as pie pumpkins. I will use the entire pumpkin, seeds and all. We can also use the large pumpkins we typically use for carving, as well as using some of the other varieties. I love Kabucha squash too. (small green ones). They make fabulous soups.
Pumpkin Seeds
Yes, we will be juicing the Pumpkin seeds. We can also bake them, salt them and use them for our salads or just as a snack. However, juicing them is using them in their 'best' form. The seeds of all plants, fruits, veggies, greens, etc.,. have what I talk frequently about; the Life-Force. They are the ones that make 'everything' happen. They contain the knowledge, wisdom and power to create each flower, each fruit tree, each vegetable, herbs, greens and so forth. To capture this powerful force is important and this is exactly why we juice pomegranates, zucchini, cucumbers, peppers with their seeds, as well as blending avocados with their seeds and so many others.
We as humans are missing the most important factors in our diet...the enzymes and hidden (yet unidentified) nutrients from these sunbaked foods/juices/smoothies. I've seen these benefits for 50 years to those who apply them.
Pumpkin Skin
We juice the entire pumpkins and yes their skins too. Let's remember, that the skins from all fruits and vegetables contain the most important part, besides the seeds. This is because the skin from these foods are the closest to the sun and receive powerful nutrients not found in the insides. Their skins have important compounds and nutrients such as: fiber, protein, minerals like calcium and magnesium, and bioactive compounds including carotenoids (like beta-carotene), phenolic compounds, and flavonoids and anti-flammatory properties.
Fun and Fresh Pumpkin Juice :)
In your juicer:
Add 3 cups Pumpkin: skin seeds and all (any color)
1 inch fresh ginger root (no need to peel)
2 Fall Apples (large) like Fuji
3 (large) Bartlett Pears
1/2 to 1 inch fresh Turmeric Root
1/2 (med) Lemon with skin
powdered Pumpkin Pie Spices (1 tsp. or 1.5 tsp.)*
Put ALL ingredients into the juicer. Or instead of the powdered spices..you can put in a cinnamon stick but soak it overnight first, then put through your Nama J2 Juicer, or in your C2 Nama Juicer/Blender.
Benefits of Consuming Pumpkins of
All Colors!
Remember that all colors are vitally important to our bodies. If you think about eating a burger, french fries, casseroles, chicken, hot dogs or any other foods outside of the vegetable, fruit, herb or green kingdom (that are sunbaked), (at least to me) looks unsavory, dull looking and unappealing. Once we start waking up to the vibrant colors of these wondrous foods Mother Nature/God or the Universe has bountifully given to us, so let us be bountiful and start consuming them in ways that are not violating Nature's ways... sunbaked! These liberating experiences will surface once you start juicing, trust me.
Here's what's in Pumpkins that we should all take into consideration:
Blending with Pumpkins
If you don't have a juicer, you can also blend with pumpkin flesh and their seeds, (may need to be strained) however, you will have to have a very powerful blender to make sure the seeds are blended in a way that don't leave residues in the final product. I definitely use pumpkins (skins make the color even better) in my blender when I want to make a blended soup during wintertime, or if I am adding it into a smoothie, for example. (see example below.) Just remember that the process of digestion is harder on our bodies when we blend or eat them. Yes, they're full of fiber, which is great, but the concentrated liquid from the juice of the pumpkins (when juicing), will give us up to ten times the power of their nutrient/compound capabilities. And also, please remember that drinking blended drinks, we need to take into consideration that we need to activate those salivary glands in our mouths, to help with better digestion and absorption. More on this later. I have a great smoothie to share with you! Smoothies are fun and wonderful when we use them sparingly.
Here's the Pumpkin Smoothie!
For 2 :)
1 frozen banana
1/2 tsp. pumpkin spice
1 inch fresh ginger root (peel)
1/2 inch or 1 inch (if small) fresh Turmeric
1.5 cups pumpkin puree (not cooked)
1/2 cup Coconut Yoghurt
1/2 cup Almond or Coconut Milk
2 tablespoons Maple Syrup or Agave Syrup*
Top with a Star Anise on the side for fun, not for consuming.
Blend until smooth.
The Healing Power of the Sun
Spiritually Speaking
Any vegetable that is bright or dark in color has very protective properties in them that protect our cells so we can maintain a strong immune system. They're called antioxidants, phytochemicals, polyphenols and most importantly "quantum light structures." Similar to fractals*. Fractals, no matter how deep you go into it, it continues to go deeper and deeper with the same structures. Ultimately, it's endless just like light is.
*Fractals: They mysterious reoccur at progressively smaller and smaller scales as we look deeper through. microscopes, and also, in describing partly random or chaotic phenomena such as crystal growth, fluid turbulence, and galaxy formation.
So... if we use our imagination or use meditation techniques, by going deeper and deeper into what sunlight really is and how it stimulates growth on so many levels, we begin to understand that it feeds the retinas of our eyes and skin of our bodies. This includes everything alive on Earth. It can, in the beginning, feel overwhelming but most of us are so busy working or not focused in this direction, that these healing powers become elusive. For example, do we consistently observe the sun, before it sets, that many beautiful rays emanate from it?
What we also don't know is why...
Being in sunshine, in this day of age is best spent before 10am and after 3pm. I also highly, and I mean highly recommend watching the sun rise and sun set each day that you can. The light from the sun reflects glows in pinks, oranges, reds, blues, purples upon our bodies. Also watching the sun rise and set helps balance out our circadian rhythms. Because there's so much dirty electricity in our world nowadays, this helps mitigate it greatly because our bodies are magnetic as well. This is why grounding ourselves this way is so important, 'and' helps us connect to the hidden healing powers that frees us to experience inner joy, forgiveness and love. These experiences play a huge part in the full healing process; a complete healing whereby these dis-eases of the body mind and soul disappear.
Quantum Light
Discovering that sunlight is full of (esoterically speaking) - not just light...but also powerful healing spectrums of light containing wisdom, knowledge, and ultimately love. The deeper we go into these experiences, the more love we feel as the sun penetrates into our bodies, our mind and and spirit. Just try it...
This is precisely why we always feel so much better when we are in sunlight; either playing in sports, waling, biking, sunbathing or swimming in the ocean. These are the mundane experiences, but if we go deeper, it's amazing what we can experience that DEFINITELY and POWERFULLY helps heal our bodies, our minds and our souls.
The Deeper Understandings
to Permanent Wellness
There's more to becoming well, than just sitting in sunlight and absorbing its rays. We can also capture it as we consume the most beautiful foods known to man and most animals: fruit. Fruit contains in it, the healing power of God, Mother Nature, or if you like to call it Universal Love. They contain the finest vibrations we can find on earth, besides experiencing love for one another including our deepest inner self.
Second to fruit would be fresh herbs, dark leafy greens, vegetables, nuts/seeds. We don't realize how we damage ourselves by chronic stress, regret, unhappiness, trauma, grief and experiences of abandonment. Worse than this is that so many of us don't have much love in our lives. I assure you, that when we start to invest in our health, especially when we begin to start juicing and eating fresh, organic and seasonal fruits, these stuck feelings will begin to loosen, and we will begin to embark on a journey towards self love. Self loving is not what the mundane 'self love' is. Self loving is taking care of ourselves, being kind to ourselves, watching out for ourselves when negative energy comes out way by avoiding it like the plague.
Full Spectrum Forgiveness can wipe away a tremendous amount of negative thinking, behaviors as well as striking out at loved ones or even strangers. Full spectrum forgiveness energy becomes powerful, especially when we forget the nightmares we've had to endure, or even forgiving ourselves for actions we perpetrated upon ourselves, lovers, friends, family. When we 'FORGET' we are truly healed. And, we just don't have any idea how powerfully healthy we will become once we go through this process. It is the most powerful way to become free in this world; free from feeling imprisioned here. AND the best way to begin this powerful journey is to start consuming these beautiful, healing foods/juices that are blessed and baked by the sun.
The First thing to do?
Start Juicing!
It's liquid sunshine in a glass!
"Jay Kordich."
I send you my Love and Gratitude for taking the time to take care of yourselves!
You can always write if need be.
Linda Kordich
Sign up here and receive a beautiful juicing ebook for Free!
Live Foods Live Bodies, Hardcover Edition By Jay and Linda Kordich Free Shipping!
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Description: This is the lowest price you'll find...this book has always sold for $49.95, so now for a limited time, you can buy this book for $34.95 with free shipping. This is an incredibly beautiful table-top quality book - the perfect gift for yourself and others. AND you will also receive our $10.00 A/Z Remedy book for free with each sale!
Also available in Ebook format (look for it at the bottom of the home page)
Includes FREE! - The A/Z Pocketbook (hardcover) Remedy book with 75 remedies by Jay Kordich
Jay says, "If you want to have ENERGY like I do, way into your 80's, 90's and 100's, then we must consume vital, LIVING FOODS and HEALING JUICES. Do what I do and you too will have the amazing strength, vitality, and stamina that I have."
Jay Kordich has been teaching people about the power of fresh juice and raw foods for over 60 years. His latest book, co-written with his wife of 37 years, Linda, goes beyond juicing and into a whole new level of information. This book has it all, from breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes, cleansing programs, preparation, and cooking techniques, to creating your own LIVING KITCHEN.
An elegant full-color coffee-table-style book with over 240 pages packed with the latest nutritional information. It is hardcover with a special hand-sewn ribbon inside used as a bookmark, with a glossy full-color book jacket outside. Linda says nobody has ever returned this book in the ten years they’ve been selling it. “It’s been a real project of love and joy writing, designing, and creating this book.”
In this book you'll learn:
- A LONG LIFE food quiz to see how you stand right now
- A simple and quick, three-day cleansing diet for WEIGHT-LOSS and MORE ENERGY.
- Jay's most requested healing recipes which contain the top POWER FOODS.
- Linda's great tasting recipes...these are the meals that Jay eats every day.
Do you want more energy and vitality? Do you want to live disease-free into your 80s, 90s, and even 100s? Do you want to learn how to create great-tasting, healthy meals, and fresh juices, all with the life force Jay talks about? It's all here in LIVE FOODS, LIVE BODIES.
This book has been thoroughly researched and recipe tested, ready for you to start using in your kitchen right away. Get started now, making healthy, great-tasting meals for you and your family. If you only buy one thing from our site, make it this power-packed book!
Praise from some of Jay and Linda’s more than 50,000+ Facebook Fans:
“I play/read your information daily, and that is exactly how I eat due to health challenges. The juicing just leads a person into this natural lifestyle, with juicing as the main part of my nutrition, followed by salads, and fruit, very little cooked. I hope there is another book or something along the way, just can't get enough of Jay Kordich.”
“Jay I always felt great when getting more juicing in my diet but I feel that it was also your passion and knowledge as a great speaker that has made me make changes over the years…hope to see you speak in Toronto Canada sometime.”
“I never realized the amazing benefits of living foods and juices and I would like to thank you for introducing me to this wonderful and simple way of living!”
“I just wanted you to know that you have been an inspiration to me. I always tell my family that I want to be a raw foodist like you. I watched you on TV many years ago and what you said about live foods, live bodies/dead foods, dead bodies really stuck in my mind.”
“I've been juicing for three years now. I have lost 35 pounds and went from a size 34 waist to a size 29. : ) I just got measured this last week for body fat which is at 7.8%, Body water is at 66.7% and my metabolic age is 12! I'm open and willing for anyone to use me as an example of what you can do when you put your mind to it.”
“I have the utmost respect and appreciation for the beautiful and clear message you have expressed through your life and bringing health to so many!”
“I just want Jay to know how much I have appreciated the book he wrote—my first one died because I kept referring to it so many times. The pages kept falling out, so I finally bought another one! Over the last 20 years, I have always bought the Juiceman’s Juicers they are and have been the best. I trust the products. I have recommended Jay’s Juicers and his book to all my friends. I am now 69 and moving closer by the minute to the next # but never learned how to count that high. So thank you Jay for all you have done for me in my life—past, present, and future to help me live a healthier life.”
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