Dearest Friends!
I hope all is well in your household...
2025 has become quite busy for me, as the previous years have been scant, as most of you know I've really struggled with my inability to recover from Jay's death in 2017. It became almost impossible to speak without crying or falling into a sense of loss. I have done some speaking, but truthfully I was just not feeling the urge to continue to teach. I had to do some inner work in order to feel free.
I remember my mother telling me it took her 7 years to recover from my grandmother's death. I came from an extended family, as my elderly Norwegian grandparents lived with me up until I left home for college.
I had a hard time believing it could take so long, yet here I am, realizing it is so true.
I suppose we never really get over losing someone so important to our lives, as the deep wound from the loss takes a long time. Even today I still tear up over it, but now I feel a strong urge to continue to teach, coach, inspire and motivate so many others to eat well, juice well and be well.
Truthfully I needed support in order to expand this mission. Now I have it and this is why I am contacting you because now I will be able to share so much more with you with a new way of communication:
You'll find wonderful information, produced by me... (all free!) that will help guide, inspire and educate you on how to live a long, vital, disease free life... including much more information than I've shared with you before on how to recover from toxic thoughts, mental challenges and recovery from grief/depression/great loss.
I have known for quite some time, that when our mind's are feeling toxic, or when our mind is filled with anger towards others and worse than that, anger towards ourselves, then being fully well seems like an impossible task. Yes, it's true. This is why we can't sustain eating well, juicing well and living well when we are mentally and emotionally stuck.
In this new platform I'll be sharing these principles with you, as well as showing lots of wonderful juice therapy remedies, vegan bowls, vegan soups, super salads and really fun foods that build vitality, rather than robbing us of our fragile health.
Here's some good news...
If you live near the Chicago area (Naperville, Illinois), please come to visit me at:
IT'S FREE! - plus a beautiful veg meal with fresh juice will be provided. I'll be teaching a class...and many other teachers will be teaching as well. It's for women and I LOVE this program, and am so grateful they've asked me to speak. If you're interested you can sign up (there's already 500 women coming, so please sign up before the cut off.) No hidden agendas here...only support and love!
Here's more good news!
I am in the process of almost finishing a wonderful Juicing Master Class that will cost very little. All other juicing masterclasses charge up to $4,000.00. Ours will be under $200.00.
Don't remember Jay? Here's a great link!
This Juicing Masterclass is specifically designed to inspire, educate, motivate and share the wisdom Jay and I garnered for close to 100 years, combined. We will blow up the falsities that many internet/youtubers are sharing so that the pure juice therapy teachings can surface. It's not that they're wrong... it's that they don't have the full spectrum of the teachings. Jay taught for over 6 decades, and recovered from bladder cancer back in 1948, and lived a FULL life up until he left this world at the age of almost 94.
I will be sharing many of Jay's lectures, never before seen or heard. Video and audio. I also will be sharing many wonderful juice therapy remedies, techniques to make it easier to juice, and also introducing the best juicers I've ever used in the past 50 years I have been teaching... as well as how to purchase in bulk, store, clean and organize that wonderful kitchen of yours, small or large. Getting our kitchen's properly organized is key in keeping ourselves properly supported.
We will be blowing the lid off of so many fallacies that have really hurt our ability to heal and be well on all levels.
This class will be filmed from Maui, Hawaii! I'm so excited to finish it - and you will be notified once you sign up on my substack platform. it's super easy. Again, here it is. Just click on this link:
I cant' wait for us to be connected!
Sending lots of wellness and love your way
Linda Kordich
If you need to reach me, just click on reply. :)