Linda Kordich's Weekly Wellness Newsletter #1! (Summer)

Podcast!  July 13, 2024


The Healing Power of Carrot Juice. The Challenges we Face with our Kitchen/meals/cleaning. Linda's Video on how to build a Super Salad

Dear Friends,


After 13 years... I am not going to post on any of my Facebook pages any longer, however... I'll be doing something so much better that will serve your desires and needs in more effective and significant ways. However...I will be posting the LINK to my newsletter, podcast and video on all my Facebook pages from now on

My New Podcast & Newsletter:

Would you like to be a part of a private Newsletter and Podcast Program I am creating this summer?  
It's 100% free, and it's just little ole me and you. I do not have an agenda to sell or coerce you into selling a slew of products. I am not focusing on selling.  I have been a teacher my entire life, and have been teaching juice therapy and vegan foods since 1981, which gives me great pleasure because I've seen it change people's lives for many decades. 
My intention is to put this into weekly quadrants:  Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring.  This way we can focus on the foods that are naturally abundant throughout each  season.

Do you Know my Background?

I've been lucky to have garnered almost five decades of knowledge about how to keep our bodies healthy through the many decades I was married to Jay Kordich, the Juiceman who brought juicing to hundreds of millions of people via television for 11 years. Before television, he and I were teaching juice therapy to all who would listen via health shows, seminars, events, etc.,. 

Being Superiorly Healthy is our Human Heritage

Everybody wants to feel great, look great and live a long disease free life. I believe, it's our gift from our Creator, to be joyful, healthy, stressless as well as physically capable to do anything we wish until we take our last breath.  But these days... we are horribly bombarded by marketing experts, youtube influencers manipulating us to believe we need their product or they use fear to entice us to buy their products. Also.. we are being persuaded by grocery stores offering only 10% of  valuable foods - and the other 90% are worthless, overpriced, packaged, dead foods that will rob us of our vital health which is:

"Our God-Given Life Force Is So Precious."

I am here to tell you that YES this is possible and I've personally seen it in hundreds of people. That's the benefit of listening, watching and learning over the decades as to what works for people and what doesn't. This is precisely why, at almost 70 years old now, I am not just confident, I'm passionate about continuing Jay's teachings because I have seen so many people transform their lives in ways unimaginable; Emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.
This is precisely why I am beginning this series of Podcasts and Newsletters.  I will be able to really help support your desires and needs in this new genre than I ever could through Facebook.  

Don't Get Sucked in at Starbucks

Depending on stimulants is a downhill experience that will never lift you up. They rob us. The only thing I know that will lift us up towards vitality and super longevity is when we learn to resonate and magnetize ourselves towards building a body rich in Mother Nature's Foods and Juices. Coffee is so expensive now, that when we go to Starbucks, a coffee can cost us almost $7.00.  Imagine if you bought a specialty coffee three times a week?  That would drain your pocketbook over $80.00 per month. Imagine the produce and quality kinds of foods you could buy for you and your family. 

Here's what I will share with you in today's Podcast and Newsletter.  

1. Weekly audio Podcast that mirrors what's in the Newsletter - You can listen instead of read if you like
2.  Part 1 of the Newsletter - Juice Therapy:  - Carrots!  The Incredible Value of Carrot Juice
3.  Part 2 Our Living Kitchen - How to manage frustrations, resentments and negative emotions
4.  Part 3: Sharing a Video with you from a section of my Book: Live Foods/Live Bodies.


Part 1 - The Incredible Veritable Power of Carrot Juice!
Here's the BEST Juice Therapy Tonic:  Carrot Juice
10 - 15 large Carrots
Process the carrots in your juicer and drink immediately.  The longer you wait to drink your fresh juice, the more the valuable enzyme activity will die, which is one of the most important healing compounds in juicing. (More on this in a future Newsletter)

Why is Carrot Juice SO Valuable to us?  

Decades ago, there was a juice therapy book written by Dr. Kirschner. The name of the book was called: Live Food Juices.  He spoke volumes about the value of freshly made carrot juice, as well as Dr. Norman Walker. who wrote many books on juice therapy. One of which is called:  Fresh Vegetable Juices. The CORE to all juice therapy tonics, the foundation to all of juice therapist's tonics are... you guessed it... carrots.


The carrot juice molecule is 99% analogous to that of the human blood molecule.  This is precisely why carrots are so valuable to us as humans. It lowers blood pressure, it brings valuable oxygen to our cells which helps prevent disease,cancers, and all kinds of disorders within our human body.  

What about the Sugar?

Experts are saying that we should eat carrots, not juice them. Yes, we should all be eating a rainbow color of vegetables, fruits and fresh herbs, for sure. However, if you're needing energy, a healthy optic nervous system, as well as the best way to cleanse waste matter out of your body. Carrot juice contains a plethora of pro vitamin A to help keep our immune systems strong. 
Carrot juice is the foundation to 'all' juice therapy remedies because it's the 'carrier' that beautifully delivers all other nutrients within the juice combinations efficiently into our bloodstream.
Yes there are sugars in carrot juice, and in many fruit juices. However, these sugars are incredibly necessary.  As it relates to carrots, they are intricately woven into the entire tapestry of the carrot.  Carrot juice contains antioxidants, phytochemicals, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, colored pigments, lutein, lycopene, zeaxanthin...and sugar...  including many more compounds that are vital to our own longevity and superior, vital health.  
Some experts are claiming that carrots are riddled with sugars and that the body recognizes this kind of sugar the same way white sugar from sodas are recognized. This is just absurd. Yet, what are most of us consuming for lunch and dinner, even breakfast?  Coffee, cereals, pastries laden with white sugar, lunches riddled with simple carbohydrates like pastas, breads and such that turn into dangerous sugars, then there's dinners filled with heavily cooked foods that burden our heart, liver and pancreas that ultimately turn into bad sugars as well.  And let's not forget the desserts after dinner... These sugar isolates are dangerous. They have been proven to cause heart disease, diabetes, dementia, etc.,. etc.,. Thankfully most doctors urge us not to eat sugar because they have the confirmed research now.  However, we need to understand not all sugars are the same. When we isolate sugars from their natural sources, it does not fare well in our bodies. Sugars that come from fruits and vegetables are surrounded by the compounds mentioned above that help the body regulate, assimilate and utilize these sugars appropriately. 
Also another factor we need to share with you, is that if you're eating a meal with  freshly made juices, make sure to sip your juices 'with' your meals because this helps digest our cooked foods - it helps regulate the sugars evenly in the body. And it helps us eliminate easier in the mornings.
So, why on earth are we picking on the carrot, when in fact, when we consume freshly made carrot juice, it helps balance and normalize our entire body! 
I want to help you capture what we call the Lifeforce -  Integrating juice therapy into our lives is KEY to capturing it. 

The Lifeforce - What is it?

The Lifeforce is what lives inside of us.  It's what keeps us alive, of course, but it can deliver wonderful natural energy that lives with us throughout the day without the need of medications and stimulants to keep us functional. If we abuse our Lifeforce, we suffer with challenges that keep us from feeling really healthy. Some symptoms of losing our life-force are:  lethargy, addictions, depression, weight gain, poor digestion, diet related diseases and the inability to feel joy in our lives.
Here's a clue:  Consuming an abundance of living foods and freshly made juices works!  But... It's not so easy to do consistently.  That's why I am here to help guide you through the challenging times and the confusion of not knowing where to start.
Believe it or not, it's simple to re-capture our Life-force through diet and juicing, but very difficult without focus and support.

Living Into Our 90s Healthily - Yes!

I was brought up in a juicing family since I was 10.(1965) That's how I met Jay Kordich. When I was 25, we immediately married and spent an additional 40 years juicing daily and teaching hundreds of millions of people, through television the restorative powers of juicing.  He had perfect blood sugar levels as well as myself. This is precisely why I am working so hard to try to dispel this 'sugar' myth that's going around because it's just not true.  One more caveat I'd like to share is that my 91 year old mother has been juicing since 1965. She's incredibly healthy. She eats a vegan diet and juices almost daily.  Her doctor says her blood sugar is normal and she's one of the healthiest 90+ patients he's ever seen. She has zero dementia and when we talk on the phone we giggle together as if we're both teenagers. She's an artist and paints daily. Her day is full and she and my father garden daily as well. Since they live in Southern California, they can garden all year round.

What about the Juice Therapy Experts from the past century? 

Jay Kordich became the protege of juice therapy by several doctors dating back to the 1940s.  Juicing with carrots is the foundation to juice therapy remedies that Dr. Norman Walker used, as well as Dr. Gerson (Jay's cancer doctor from 1948) used. It will additionally help you rebalance your entire digestive system as well as bringing powerful healing properties into our bloodstreams. Equally, Dr. Edward Howell, Henry C. Sherman, Dr. Kirschner and Dr. Garnet Chaney were all major influences in Jay's teachings that reached millions of people for several decades. 

How to Transform Your Kitchen and You!

Our kitchens reflect who we are. Emotions play a very powerful role in our kitchens.  Most of us either have bad experiences growing up in stressful kitchen environments or maybe we had parents that never cooked so we didn't learn how to prepare healthy foods.  Perhaps we resent having to cook and clean, and especially when the children or our partners don't participate in helping. What makes it more frustrating is when we work full time, then have to prepare daily meals. It can be completely overwhelming,  Negative emotions rise like resentment, anger, frustration or just downright depression.  Depression results from burying our emotions. These emotions play a huge role in our disability to choose foods wisely.

-Part of the Solution - Bringing the Family Into the Kitchen  (Soon I'll be going deeper into this issue because it warrants it)

First and foremost, becoming aware of these emotions are vital. Let them rise, then try to find a solution. If our partner's are not open to helping, then we need to find other ways they can help support the household. When our two boys were young teenagers, Jay and I decided to bring them into the kitchen and teach them how to prepare good vegan foods, as well as learn the principles of juicing; buying, prepping, storring then juicing...and lastly cleaning the juicer. They loved learning this process, but didn't like the clean-up, Ha!  But through practice over and over again, it became a ritual. Through time and when they became married, their wives were thrilled because both of our boys worked hand in hand with them to prepare all their meals, including grocery purchases.
It was important to me - to teach our boys these healthy principles. From age 4 to age 12, my Norwegian grandmother who ran the kitchen wouldn't let anyone in, and I never learned how to prepare foods nor did I learn how to organize or clean. I learned this very quickly when I married Jay. He would always come home with 50 pounds of carrots and many other pounds of fruit and veggies, including a huge mess... Lol....

This May Take Focused Effort and Time!

In order to be an effective provider for our family's nutritional needs, as well as keeping our kitchen's clean with good energy, it will take time and effort. But it's so well worth it!  Throughout my newsletter program, I'll be showing you lots of important principles we've used that really work, long term. Transforming our behavior as well as transforming our kitchen into a LIVING Kitchen will take time, but it's fun and I'm excited about taking you through the process.
In future newsletters, I'll go deeply into things we can do to bring 'life' into our kitchens and also show you how to prepare delicious, simple meals that  really satisfy us.  
In the meantime, let's watch this video I created in my humble living kitchen: How to make delicious Super - Salads!  They're great for weight loss and for filling our tummies up with wonderful, fiber rich greens and veggies to help keep us on the straight and narrow path towards superior health.  
Sending lots of support your way!
Linda Kordich

Here's Our Video on My Super-Salad!

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