Linda Kordich's Wellness Newsletter #4 Podcast and Video

Weekly Wellness Newsletter #4 Podcast & Video


My Podcast:


My Video:

Here's what I will be covering:

1. The Healing Benefits of Stone Fruits Newsletter and Podcast

2. Living Kitchen Principles: How to store Stone Fruits and a special juice therapy juice and smoothie

3. How to Make my Delicious Living Summertime  Peach Pie (video)

Part 1: The Healing Power of Stone Fruits! 

(all these fruits mentioned above are super ripe around August)

Delicious Stone Fruits

Plums - High in Potassium and low in Sodium. Good for regulating blood sugar, and remember... it's a water rich food!  Super high in Vitamin C: 480% than what's recommended.

Apricots - Super high in Vitamin A - good for skin because it's high in Beta-Carotene, Catechins, (anti-inflammatory) and xanthophylls which also means, super good for night vision. Laetrile is found in the seed and is known for helping cancer patients 

Peaches - packed with antioxidants, which helps stave off cancers and helps with building good digestion, and heart health. And of course, they're water rich. May also reduce blood sugar levels, surprising yes?

Nectarines - High in Vitamin C, A and fiber. Soluble fiber! They help protect us from obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Also, a super water rich fruit.

Cherries - great for preventing heart disease (anthocyanins) and reduce inflammation, as well as help us sleep well at night! (melatonin) and they're a great benefit to good bowel health.

Pluots - (a hybrid of plums and apricots) Contains a good amount of vitamin C and A and also is great to keep our bowels regular. 


Personal Musings:

In these new multimedia newsletters with podcast and video, I hope you enjoy sharing my personal stories and life with you. I'm not a person who has degrees in nutrition, or and I am not a doctor of any kind. However, I've had the privilege to spend 60 years of my life, watching, learning, observing, and ultimately coaching and teaching this beautiful way of life; notwithstanding, being Jay Kordich's wife for 36 years. He was a true Master Teacher of juice therapy as well as a Master Teacher on how to live a relaxed, joyful life rich in juicing and eating a plethora of high vibrational foods.  There is definitely a connection here. And this is what I have dedicated the rest of my life to do.

I've Seen Miracles...

I've seen miracles happen with others, and I've seen crushing failures with others as well, but one thing I know for sure:  These water rich fruits, nuts, seeds, greens and vegetables are here to help us sustain a joyful, disease free life. And if we partake in them, with dedication, persistence and faith, we will become superiorly well on many levels. 

The Pineapple Story

For example, did you know that it takes 16 months for a Pineapple to ripen?  It takes this long as it grows in the sunshine, yet when we buy them at the store, many of us may not realize this. This is an example of how important it is when we begin to realize how precious these fruits are and what they can deliver to us. They have absorbed and captured the sunlight for 16 months,  just so it can give itself to us and others. The plant will die after one pineapple but before it dies it usually grows more (pups) which can grow more pineapples, with proper care. But the mother plant will not live again, unless it's under special care with pineapple bush experts where they can use special techniques to keep it alive for up to 5 to 6 years.
As I said in my last newsletter... I love fruit!  And yes... I sure do - and hope that you too will begin to benefit by juicing/blending/eating more organic fruits. 

Oh Those Peaches!

I especially love Peaches and Nectarines.  We used to have a white peach tree in our home in San Diego. This tree would produce a hundred peaches. It was a special peach tree with fuzz and the skin was white. Oh my goodness, when these peaches were ready to harvest, Jay and I would be in 7th heaven.  We'd fill up our kitchen countertop with these peaches, fully knowing our two boys would reach for them several times a day, as well as Jay and I relishing every bite.  This particular peach tree also had what we know as 'free stone' which means the flesh from the Peach easy falls off of the stone. Once the peaches became soft to the touch, we would store them in our refrigerator so we could either blend them or juice them the following morning. Most of these peaches would stay in perfect shape for up to four days. After that, they would become softer and softer to the touch.  This is precisely when we would use them in our smoothies.* (recipe down below).

There's Several Varieties of Peaches

I highly recommend the 'free stone' peaches and nectarines, pluots, plums, cherries, apricots. Interestingly, stone fruits only come around during summertime because of the fact the sun becomes closer to our Earth. The heat from the Sun inspires the trees to burst open the blossoms, and within a few weeks, the birth of the stone fruits begin their journey towards their sweet and ripe, water rich gifts to whomever picks them. So... the question is, what's so awesome about the dynamic relationship between the Sun and Fruit?  Oh let me count the ways!

Nature's Mysteries Surround Us

Scientists and Botanists can tell us the mechanics of why fruit ripens, but what they don't know is that there's a great mystery here.  All we have to do is look at a seed. How does a small seed, smaller than an ant turn into a tree that has the ability to grow into a flowering tree, ultimately producing incredibly delicious fruit?  And have you ever seen those beautiful apple blossoms for example, and how incredibly fragrant they smell?  Orange blossoms, Lemon blossoms...oh the list goes on. How does one explain just how beautiful a blossom looks?  I wonder, does the bee who pollinates the blossom appreciate the perfect synergy and design of the flower, or do the bears, or birds for that matter? 

I Am Not Sure

But I am sure about one thing.  We humans sure do. And part of really being well on all levels, is that when we slow down enough to ask ourselves these questions, this is the beginning of a true wealth in being alive.  In our world right now, everything is going so fast!  I worry about the future of our grandchildren.  They're being inundated with electronics, indoor living, and too many stimulants that keep them separated from the importance of an outdoor life... Mother Nature's magnificent displays of beauty surround us when we get outdoors and experience the blue skies, puffy white clouds, breezes that flow through our hair, sunrises, sunsets and the golden sun. 

Fruits are the gifts that keep on Giving

Most experts would say fruit is full of sugar, so it's best to avoid it.  This couldn't be further from the truth. Fruit is full of pigments, dark pigments that help stave off viruses, flu's, colds and other respiratory challenges. Why?  Because they're full of antioxidants, phytochemicals, minerals, vitamins and fibers...fibers that are soluble. I spoke about soluble and insoluble fibers in my last newsletter (#3). These soluble fibers create a jell like substance that our stomach's need to help digest our foods as well as being a protective lining that not only lines our stomachs, but also lines our entire small intestine. From Google: Soluble fibers mix with water and slow digestion. They are associated with a decreased risk of heart disease, decreased cholesterol levels, and better blood sugar control. Soluble fiber can be found in some grains, seeds, legumes, and various vegetables.  So you see, it's not just fruit that has these soluble fibers. This is precisely why I stress eating a plethora of fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and some grains. The benefits are great, and let's not forget, we only know 'so' much about how these healing foods work. Through time and research, we will discover more!  As Jay would say, just do it!  Meaning, of course, let's dive in and begin this wonderful journey towards vital health by consuming these fiber rich, colorful and magnificent foods Mother Nature has and is providing for us.


Best Time to Eat Fruit?

In summertime, we love to eat ripe fruits in the mornings. What I used to do, which Jay and our two boys (John and Jayson) loved too, was to cut open and quarter, fuzzy Peaches or Nectarines, remove the seed and put four or five of them in a bowl. Add nut milk (i loved making fresh coconut milk) but you can use the kind of coconut milk you buy at the store. Fill the bowl up with the coconut milk, then sprinkle cinnamon over the top, slivered almonds and a wee bit of agave syrup, brown rice syrup or maple syrup (my favorite). Eat and enjoy!  You can also do this with apples, pears, apricots, peaches and nectarines, all combined too.  Secondly, we highly recommend eating fresh organic ripe Peaches or Cherries in the evening an hour or so before bed. They are "pre digested" fruits, so your organs and body won't have to work overtime to digest any of it. In fact, what fruit does, it cleanse the bloodstream while you're sleeping. This is also a great secret to weight loss. Forget the chips, cookies, crackers, etc.,.... right?


Part 2: Our Living Kitchen Principles

How to Purchase/Store Stone Fruits 

My Mother and Grandmother

My mother actually taught me how to pick stone fruits as a young girl. She was a really interesting woman. An artist with great talent, a mother of three children, and a stay at home Mom. Her mother, Gertrude, who migrated all by her lonesome, to America from Norway back in the 1920s was our Matriarch. An acclaimed chef in her own right, she worked for the Grand Hotel in Bergen Norway but wanted to come to America to expand her career. Pretty cool isn't it for a woman back in 1920, to be so independent?  She was incredible. She lived with us during most of my youth. She created some of the most beautiful gardens, ever, right in our own backyard. That's where I learned a lot about berries; boysenberries, strawberries, blueberries. Since we lived in San Diego, California, we had sunshine almost year round. I wish I had a picture to share with you, but I just don't...I'll have to share from my memory.  We also had a large peach tree, a nectarine tree. She taught me to always pick fruit when they start to weigh heavy on the branch, and when you touch it, it should be a bit firm but also soft to the touch. As you gently pull down on the fruit, it should easily fall into your hands.  That's when they're ready to eat!  Now, if you're at the grocery store, the best way to pick Peaches is to touch the top of the Peach next to the stem and press down just a bit. If it's soft, it's ready to buy. You can also pick them hard as well, but keep them on your kitchen table for a few days. Once they start to get soft, put them into the refrigerator so they'll keep another 4 to 5 days. But not more than that!  They'll start to get mushy.  AND if they do, get them into the blender straight away so you don't lose out, but never juice a super ripe peach because they won't juice properly and most of the peach will go out the back of the juicer.  
Nectarines can be tested the same way as Peaches.  Plums and Pluots are a bit different. If they're too soft, don't buy them. They need to have a bounce to them, like firm but a bit soft too. If they're too hard at the grocery store, don't buy them. Same can be said for Plums. They should also smell sweet when ripe. They usually will not ripen as we would wish. Apricots should be golden in color. Soft to the touch but not too soft. They should also smell sweet. Soft to the touch but also just a bit firm. They can also be refrigerated. Apricots are SO good in smoothies.  
Cherries. There are varieties that are so much fun to eat. Bing and Rainier. Also Michigan Cherries are incredibly delicious. (With my Nama J2 juicer, I actually can juice these cherries with seeds and all.). The best way to pick cherries is to make sure they're 'firm' to the touch. Soft cherries are a big no no! This means they're over ripe and will infect many other cherries in the bag in just a few days, causing them to become soft too.  The cherries should have the stem on them and they should be quite firm. When you bite into one, they should almost sound a bit crunchy.  I usually take one out of the bag and taste it before I buy. I know this is probably not cool to do, but I do not like returning things and many a time I have made a bad decision buying cherries, then have to throw them away in just a day because they're not ripe enough or too ripe. And cherries are expensive!  The last thing to remember is to buy 'dark, very dark cherries. Unless they're Rainier. Rainier cherries are a soft beige and red. The best way to buy them is to make sure they're firm. But the other Bing cherries must be very dark and plump.

Storing Stone Fruits

Please don't cut your fruits up and store them in the refrigerator. Put them into a bowl and put the bowl into the fridge once they're 90% ripe. If you cut them, they'll turn on you (color wise and wilt away within a day or so).  When you get home from the store, put all your stone fruits into the sink, and fill it up with cold water. soak for 3 minutes in a solution that removes pesticides, dirt, bacteria. Then rinse then put on your kitchen table, 'or' when they're feeling like they're ripe, put them into the fridge. They'll last another 3-5 days, even if they're super ripe. And there's nothing like cold cherries on a hot day, right? :)

Part 3: My Living Peach Pie

(watch the video)

Ingredients:  Raisins and Walnuts or Almonds or Pecans. 
1/2 cup raisins to 1 cup nuts. Blend in a food process until you see a bit of oil. Now it's ready to be the crust.
3 ripe Peaches, cut into slices
1 young Thai Coconut (use its water and all the flesh)
3 ripe Mangos. (peel and use flesh)
Place the blended raisins and nuts into a pie dish and spread into a crush as one would do with a regular pie. Put into the refrigerator for an hour.
Meanwhile, cut the Peaches into thin strips so you can lay them into layers. (watch the video)
Cut one Thai Coconut open and keep the water in a bowl for later. Then scrape out the meat (flesh) from the coconut and put into the bowl with its water.
Now peel the Mangos and discard the large seed. 
Put the Mango into the blender, with the Coconut flesh and its water. Blend until smooth and set aside.
Now take the pie dish out of the fridge and start building the pie with the thinly sliced peaches.
Once you get to the top, add the blended Mango/Coconut mixture over the top
Refrigerate overnight or for several hours then it's ready to eat!
Dear Friends, I hope you get a chance to watch this video, it's going to be so much fun to do. :)I just love sharing my life with you and hope that you're getting some benefit from it.
I've learned over the decades, we need to support, inspire and motivate each other to stay healthy and vital. 
Love to you all,
Linda Kordich
write anytime:

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